Lisa Clark Running for Resettlement 2016!

This fundraiser supports Running4Resettlement 2016
About This Fundraiser
Last year, when I participated in Running4Resettlement, I didn't know much about NKHR Rescue fund. Mostly, I was interested in doing a 10k and thought, why not do one for a cause?
I'm so much more excited to participate in R4R this year, now that I've become a volunteer with NKHR Rescue fund and have a deeper understanding of what the organization does.
Every dollar donated supports the rescue of North Korean refugees in China who are at constant risk of repatriation, back to North Korea. It only costs about $2000 to bring a refugee from China to safety in S. Korea -- $2000 to drastically change a person's life for the better!
Please support me and help me rescue North Koreans by donating! Every small amount adds up to something great!
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About Running4Resettlement 2016

Runners for R4R register to run in the Kim Dae-Jung Peace Marathon in Seoul on June 12, while committing to fundraise for Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (NKHR) Rescue Fund. Our goal is to raise $20,000 total to help 8 North Koreans safely reach South Korea from China, where they face human rights abuses. To learn more about their struggle, visit: http://www.nkhrrescuefund.org/refugees-journey.html
R4R 주자들은 6월 12일에 서울에서 열릴 김대중 평화 마라톤에 참가 신청을 하는 동시에 북한인권시민연합 (NKHR)의 구호 기금 모금에 참여하게 됩니다. 저희의 목표는 24,000,000원을 모아 중국에서 인권 침해로 고통을 받는 8명의 북한 사람들을 안전하게 한국으로 데려오는 것입니다. 더 많은 정보를 알고 싶으시면 이 사이트를 방문하세요: http://nkhrrescuefundkr.weebly.com/494574455251008-510604711144172-50416510774576845796.html