Make Kitty Get Off Her Fat Ass for N. Koreans

Fundraiser by Kitty

This fundraiser supports R4R 2015

$75.00 remaining
$175 raised
70% of $250 goal
The project this fundraiser supports is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

About This Fundraiser

Hey guys, I am running (read walking) 5K for North Koreans against my will....

No, I'm just kidding. Because this is a good cause (it's gotta be for me to... y'know... walk and stuff).

The organization, NKHR (, is a wonderful organization dedicated to helping North Koreans come to South Korea, and avoid being used for human trafficking or getting sent back to North Korea. They use 100% of the funds donated exactly for that purpose.

This is an important cause. It is helping to keep people who have escaped from North Korea safe, and helping them to reintegrate into South Korean culture.

So don't be a dick. Don't pass this by. Donate, and I'll live tweet my walking pain for you on facebook.

Kitty out

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