Running for North Korean Refugees

Fundraiser by Michele

This fundraiser supports R4R 2015

$0.00 remaining
$675 raised
225% of $300 goal
The project this fundraiser supports is no longer accepting donations. Thank you for your support!

About This Fundraiser

I'm running to rescue North Korean refugees who need help reaching South Korea safely!

All money raised will be used by Citizens' Alliance for North Korean Human Rights (where I work) to rescue refugees from trafficking and the risk of being sent back to North Korea.

Thousands of North Koreans escape the country every year. They sneak across the Tumen and Yalu rivers to reach China. But if discovered in China, they face being sent back to North Korea and tortured. In China, women and young girls are particularly vulnerable to trafficking and rape.

Join me in helping these refugees reach South Korea safely, to start new lives of hope and freedom. Learn more:

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