Chad's Birthday Wish

Fundraiser by Chad

This fundraiser supports Malaria Net Distribution

$0.00 remaining
$676 raised
140% of $480 goal

About This Fundraiser

It's my birthday and I've love you to help me do something meaningful!

I'm trying to raise $240 (as I'm turning 24) for my friend Gret's efforts to eradicate Malaria in Malawi. Even a little donation (of $3) helps! EDIT: I've doubled the goal as you friends have been so generous! I'm blown away and honored by your support!

Malawi is THE poorest country in the world and Malaria sadly keeps the poorest sick and unable to do the things you or I tend to take for granted.

Please help donate or share!

$9.50 is a TRIVIAL amount to most people. Ask yourself, honestly, if $9.50 disappeared from your bank account...would you even notice? On the other hand, what if someone gave you a gift that cost the equivalent of 9 days of work? Would you appreciate that? That's what you're doing when you buy someone a mosquito net.

The recipients often live off a dollar a day. And it protects them from a lethal and scary disease. Plus, there's a compounding effect! The more people who get nets, the more the malaria rate drops in the village. So your TINY donation does THREE THINGS:
1) Gives a villager a respectively HUGE gift.
2) Protects them from malaria .
3) Helps reduce the rate of malaria in the entire village.

I love you all no matter what. But this is important to me and it would mean A LOT it if you took 30 seconds to change someone's life.

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About Malaria Net Distribution

There are 900 people living in Malikha Village in rural Malawi. We would like your help in providing them each with with a malaria net. If 75% of a village starts using malaria nets, the malaria rate in the village will drop by 90%.

This will save lives for years to come.

Please consider either donating $9.50 or sharing this video on social media:

Village Fridays works with local ministry partners and through the chiefs of the village for all candidates.


Why $8550?
900 people live in Malikha Village and each net cost $9.50. 900x$9.50 = $8550. It's a big goal, but statistics show that if 75% of a village starts using nets, then the Malaria rate drops by 90%.

What if we don't raise the full amount?
We really hope we do and we need your help to do that! But if we fall short, we'll just buy as many nets as possible and pass them out to kids first and adults second.

How will you make sure the villagers use the nets?
When we pass out the nets, one of our doctor friends will come with us and hold a seminar for all the villagers. He's done this before and will ensure that the nets get installed properly.

Why Malikha Village?
Some of us have been working in this village for over 7 years. We have a good relationship with the people there and that will be crucial to their success.

How else can I help?
Sharing the video is one of the best ways. We have 5 weeks to fundraise A LOT of money. Share it with your church, small group, school, company, email list, social media followers, etc.

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