Julius Coomson-Makers of Disciple Makers

Julius Coomson-Makers of Disciple Makers

  • Faith and Learning International
  • Julius Coomson-Makers of Disciple Makers
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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One-time gift - Makers of DiscipleMakers

October 2016

December 20, 2016

Makers of Disciple Makers (MDM)


The semester began with only one student coming for the Tuesday (16:00-17:30GMT) discipleship class. After four weeks of consistently meeting this one student, the number has by God’s grace increased to nine (9) students. Similarly, the Thursday (16:00-17:30GMT) class for example, has also seen an amazing improvement in the number of students who attend weekly. Although we started the semester with about six (6) students, the number has grown to eighteen (18), compelling us to divide the group into two to ensure that we are meeting each student’s need. This increase can be attributed to the fact that some of our disciples started to share with other students the p



In addition to having an increase in the weekly discipleship attendance, we have also seen a multiplication in discipleship groups and this is exciting. Two of our past disciples who are now University graduates for example, have started discipleship groups in student hostels that are near the University of Ghana. One of such graduates is Nelson. Nelson started to be discipled in his first year on campus, shortly after he came to know the Lord Jesus Christ as his Savior. Nelson tells his story: “Before I became a Christian, I was empty within and didn’t know what to do with my life. But God in His mercy led me into a relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. I joined the discipleship class and for the rest of my time on campus, was discipled. Through discipleship, I saw a great change in my life. Before I began discipleship I was a serious alcoholic and fornicated regularly. However, through the encouragement and the biblical teachings I received during discipleship, I started to see a change in my desires. Within a short time, I was totally free from the power of my past sinful habits. Today I am free and have committed myself to discipling others. He whom the Son sets free is free indeed”.ositive impact the weekly discipleship is making on their lives.

Prayer Points

Please take a few minutes to commit the work of discipleship among University students to the Lord. 1. Thank God for daily adding unto the number of students we disciple. 2. Thank the Lord for supplying all our needs to make the work of discipleship possible. 3. Please pray that the Lord will continue to meet both the spiritual, academic and emotional needs of students who come for our weekly discipleship. 4. Pray for continued grace and joy for myself and the other group leaders who are helping with this work. 5. Please pray that the Lord will continue to use Nelson to bring encouragement and transformation to the students he is discipling.

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