Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange Co.

Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange Co.

$11,975 remaining
$525 raised
5% of $12,500 goal
  • Christian Friends of Korea
  • Chinese Baptist Church
  • Donations to this project are tax-deductible

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About This Project

The Jr. High and High School students of Irvine Korean Churches (Bethel Korean, Irvine Baptist, and Irvine Onuri) and the Chinese Baptist Church of Central Orange County are joining in on the fight against the tragedy of extreme poverty in North Korea. On March 1-2, 2014, these students will participate in [NK]24 - an event where they will fast for 24 hours to personally experience the pain of hunger that many North Koreans feel everyday, as well as to help raise funds for Christian Friends of Korea and awareness of global poverty.

Specifically, the churches have agreed to have the funds they raise support well drilling and clean water projects in the Kaesong and Hwanghae regions of North Korea. These projects include drilling water wells at tuberculosis (TB) sanitaria and provincial level hepatitis and TB hospitals, and installing tanks, solar panels, and gravity fed water systems. TB is a contagious disease that preys on populations weakened by hunger and acute illness. Rates of TB in North Korea have risen to some of the highest levels in the world. Without proper diagnosis and treatment, up to 50% of TB patients will die. New wells can be drilled for about $3000.00 each, and full solar-powered gravity-fed water systems can be installed for around $25,000.

The coalition of Irvine Korean and Chinese Churches are stepping up to help improve the plight of the people of North Korea. Please support our students as they pray and work to make a difference.

**Christian Friends of Korea is a Christian relief and development organization dedicated to bringing hope and healing to the people of North Korea. They have participated in US government funded emergency food and flood relief efforts and are recognized by the North Korean Government to do humanitarian work. Please visit their website for more information:
Location United States


Recent Supporters

  • Tim 10 years ago

Project Owner

Christian Friends of Korea

What is CFK?
Christian Friends of Korea is a group of people who are seeking to serve Christ by ministering in His name among the people of North Korea. In recent years, this has been primarily through providing humanitarian aid. We are incorporated in the State of North Carolina and registered as a tax-exempt 501(c)3 non-profit. We are members of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and Technical Exchange for Christian Healthcare (TECH).

What does CFK do?
CFK sends humanitarian aid in the form of food, medicine, agricultural supplies, bedding and blankets, medical equipment and supplies and other needed goods to hospitals and other facilities in North Korea, regularly confirming delivery and distribution of all goods sent. We are also involved in multiple health care facilities renovation and re-equipping projects in partnership with DPRK local officials and staff, conduct joint training/technical exchange and respond to specific requests as we are able.

  • Website
  • Address

    129 Center Avenue
    PO Box 936
    Black Mountain, NC 28711

  • Phone 1-828-669-2355

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